What California Homeowners Should Know About Energy Upgrades

Energy Efficient Roofing in Los Angeles

What California Homeowners Should Know About Energy Upgrades

Home and small business owners have been wondering, “What is this Climate Credit on my energy bill?” It’s supposed to be a cut you get to help you pay towards future energy efficiency upgrades. It comes from the permits that big companies have to get when they put pollutants into the environment.

Who qualifies for this credit? According to EnergyUpgradeCA.org:

All California residential customers that receive electricity from an investor-owned utility company, electric service provider or community choice aggregation provider. This includes customers of PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, Pacific Power, and Liberty Utilities, and the community choice aggregators Marin Clean Energy and Sonoma Clean Power.

There are various energy upgrades you should be making around the house. One is to check that you’re not losing energy through leaks in your windows. If you have them, then you’re not getting the most out of your air conditioning and heating units.

While most people shy away from upgrades because they worry about the costs, they fail to realize that they are losing just as much money every year as they use their central air. Living in California, you understand that unpredictable weather is the norm, so one day you’ll be running the air conditioner and the next, you might have to turn on the heat when the nights suddenly drop to 30 degrees. You can keep the elements from affecting your energy bills with an upgraded roof and with proper ventilation in your attic.

Your home is your biggest investment. Upgrading it for energy efficiency is how you can help bring it into the future.

Want To Learn How Your Home Can Best Be Upgraded For Energy Efficiency?

Give us a call at 1-800-303-0766.

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